====== CongresHelper app ====== * Download link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.questwork.congresshelper {{course:congress_setup:congresshelper_app:congress.helper.apk.png?200|}} ===== Congress Code ===== * After download the app, user is required to enter a "congress code" for a specific congress/event. * User could get this "congress code" from Organizer. * After login, click the [Download Data] button to download the congress details. ===== Dark Scanning Screen ===== After install, if the scanner only show a black screen, it should be Android permission problem. Open [Settings] > [Applicaiton] and found Congress Helper. Enable the Camera permission. ===== Admin Login ===== * All blue color icon on the home screen requires Admin User login. Admin password is for the Organizer's staffs use only. ===== Features ===== * Registration * Cashier * Print Badge * Take Attendance * Lead Tracker * Fast Collect * Settings ===== Attendance ===== Helper is required to choose the venue and session before taking attendance of the audience. * All Days Pass QR code {{course:congress_setup:congresshelper_app:qrcode-valid-date.png?200|All Days QR code}} When scanning a One-Day Pass, an "Unauthorized" alert will be shown to display the valid date of the pass. * One-Day Pass QR code {{course:congress_setup:congresshelper_app:qrcode-invalid-date.png?200|One Day QR code}} ==== Lead Tracker ==== Exhibitor is required to enter their Company Name and Email address prior scanning. The mobile will be returned to admin office on the last day and then we will export the data and email to the exhibitor based on the entered email address. Please note that the exhibitor could not *leave* the Lead Tracker feature without entering the admin password. ==== Print Badge ==== Delegate will scan their registration barcode. If found, a badge (with any accompanying person, ticket) will be printed. The second attempt of printing a badge will display an error. In case the delegate insist to re-print a badge, helper could scan or enter his/her registration number to check the record, if there is a date shown next to the item, it means the delegate has already print the badge on that date. Only Admin user could re-print a badge in this case. ==== Scanned Users (admin only) ==== Admin user could search the delegate record directly by entering the registration number (e.g. 12345). If the record is found, it will be displayed on the top of the list. Admin user could then click to print the badge. ^ Print Count ^ Meaning ^ | > 1000 | Pre mailing delegates | | > 100 | Trainees | ===== Display Message on Mobile ===== ==== Attendance ==== ^ Message | Please select venue and session. | ^ Description | Select the venue and then session in the app before taking attendance. | ^ Message | Please go to [Settings] to [Download Data] | ^ Description | Admin user needs to download initial data before the app could be used. | ==== Lead Tracker ==== ^ Message | Please enter Company Name and Email before scanning. | ^ Description | Exhibitor needs to enter their company name and email address before scanning delegate badge. | ==== Print Badge ==== ^ Message | Delegate not found. Please inform congress staff. | ^ Description | This delegate information is not on our database. Ask him/her to go to Onsite Registration Counter to print the badge. | ^ Message | Your badge has already been printed. Please go to Onsite APAO Office for help. | ^ Description | The badge was printed in our record. Admin user could reprint it from the "Scanned Users" menu. | ^ Message | Please visit the counters for paid delegates to collect your one-day pass. | ^ Description | Delegate needs to specify the one-day in onsite registration counter. | ^ Message | Failed to print. Please ask congress staff for help. | ^ Description | Check network connectivity of the mobile and printer and inform our IT staff. | ^ Message | System Error! Please ask congress staff for help. | ^ Description | Could not connect to our server. Check network connectivity and inform our IT staff. | ==== Scanned User ==== ^ Message | Delegate not found. Please inform congress staff. | ^ Description | This delegate information is not on our database. Ask him/her to go to Onsite Registration Counter to print the badge. |