====== Technician - Session Room Operation Manual ====== The Speaker Ready Room System (SRRS) ONLY accept PowerPoint or Keynote presentation file. PDF file is NOT supported yet. ===== Technician ===== Duties: * To download the presentation file from server. * To read any "Note to Operator", if any. * To setup countdown time for each presentation. * To open the online polling, if need. ==== Session Presentation ==== Pay special attention that speakers may update their presentation file on last minutes. So you must check the timestamp to make sure the one you have is the most updated. ==== Login to System ==== * Open the Google Chrome browser and open the SRRS URL. * Login with username and password (session/session). * Click the top menu [Session Room] button, if need. ==== Session List ==== * Wait for the display of the full Session list. * Filter the session list by venue and date. * choose your room name and today from the drop down ^ Top menu ^ Session list ^ Filter by Venue and Date ^ | {{:course:congress_setup:operations_manual:session_room:screen_shot_2017-02-26_at_4.12.44_pm.png?200|}} | {{:course:congress_setup:operations_manual:session_room:screen_shot_2017-02-26_at_4.13.42_pm.png?400 |}} | {{:course:congress_setup:operations_manual:session_room:screen_shot_2017-12-06_at_1.42.38_pm.png?200|}} | ==== Open Your Session ==== * After you have filter today's sessions in your room * Click the [Open] button next to the session theme will display the Topic list. {{:course:congress_setup:operations_manual:session_room:screen_shot_2017-12-06_at_1.56.41_pm.png?600|}} * You could click [Reset] button to display all sessions again. ==== Download Presentation file ==== * On the topic list, the background color shows the uploaded file status * if it is not uploaded yet, it will be displayed in "GREY" * if it is newly uploaded, it will be displayed in "RED" * if you have already downloaded that file, it will be displayed in "BLUE" Always pay attention to the uploaded file status. {{:course:congress_setup:operations_manual:session_room:screen_shot_2017-12-06_at_1.56.41_pm.png?600|}} * Click the "Topic" will download the presentation file. * the color will change from RED to BLUE. ==== Note to Operator ==== Sometimes, Speaker may have special instruction. * If there is any specific note about that presentation topic, a "Dialog" icon will be displayed next to the topic name. * Click the icon will popup the specific instruction. ^ Topic with Note icon ^ | {{:course:congress_setup:operations_manual:session_room:screen_shot_2017-12-06_at_1.58.34_pm.png?400|}} | ^ Click to view message ^ | {{:undefined:screen_shot_2017-12-06_at_1.48.34_pm.png?600|}} | ==== Setup countdown timer ==== It is important to start the countdown timer whenever the speaker starts his/her presentation. * On top of each topic, it will show the "duration" as either xx minutes or xx+yy minutes. * The first "xx" is the duration of the presentation * The second "yy" (if any) is the duration of Q&A * Setup the countdown timer of the total duration * if it shows 13 minutes, then set the timer at 13 * if it shows 10 + 2 minutes, set the timer at 12 * Start the countdown timer whenever the Session Chair invites the Speaker to start the presentation. | {{:course:congress_setup:operations_manual:session_room:screen_shot_2017-02-26_at_4.35.52_pm.png?200|}} | {{:course:congress_setup:operations_manual:session_room:screen_shot_2017-02-26_at_4.35.48_pm.png?200|}} | | Topic without Q&A | Topic with Q&A | ==== Open the online polling ==== If polling is required (will be informed via the Note to Operator), you are required to open a specific Polling PowerPoint file. You will also need to use both computers, the first one will be used to display the presentation while the second one will be used for online polling. * Download and play the speaker presentation file on the first computer. * Open the specific Polling PowerPoint file on the second computer. * Make sure the second computer has already installed the PollEverywhere Presenter plugins. If not, download and install it at once. * Login the PollEverywhere with account (username: , password: ). * Play the Polling PowerPoint file and be ready. * When the speaker is required to do the polling, switch the video output to the second computer. * The polling result is in real time. * Switch back to the first computer when the speaker's polling is finished. ===== Video Recording ===== We use the Blackmagic recorder to record the presentation and the audio signal from microphone. Technician inside the session room should * Get 3 new 256GB SD card from speaker ready room. * Insert 2 SD cards inside the Blackmagic slot#1 & #2. * Power on the Blackmagic and check if video and audio signal is good. * Make sure the remaining time is normal (for Codec: ProRes PR, 2 x 256GB SD card should record ~300 minutes) * Press the [Record] button before the start of the first session in the morning. * During lunch break, stop the recording and check the remaining time. * If it is less than half of original time (e.g. 150 minutes), it means the slot#1 card is already full. Take it out and mark it on a paper with venue and sequence. e.g. 209 #1, means room 209, card #1. * Continue the sequence numbering since the first SD card. So on day 2, you might have card #4-6. * ALSO move out the slot#2 card and put it to slot#1. Blackmagic always start recording from slot#1 to slot#2 but will NEVER go back from slot#2 to slot#1. * Insert a new SD card to slot#2. Check the remaining time again. * Press the [Record] button again before the start of the first session in the afternoon. * Press the [Stop] button to stop it at the end of day. * Take out all SD cards from the Blackmagic and then return ALL 3 SD cards to speaker ready room. | {{:course:congress_setup:operations_manual:session_room:img_1057.jpg?200|}} | {{:course:congress_setup:operations_manual:session_room:img_1058.jpg?200|}} | | {{:course:congress_setup:operations_manual:session_room:img_1061.jpg?200|}} | {{:course:congress_setup:operations_manual:session_room:img_1062.jpg?200|}} |