====== Course ====== ===== Antivirus ===== * [[course:antivirus:|Antivirus]] ===== Amazon AWS ===== * [[course:Amazon AWS:|Amazon AWS]] ===== Congress Setup ===== * [[course:congress setup:|Congress Setup]] ===== Dokuwiki Two Factor Authentication ===== * [[course:Dokuwiki Two Factor Authentication:|Dokuwiki Two Factor Authentication]] ===== Domain Name ===== Please note that most domain information is associated with its Administrative Contact email instead of Registrant/Owner Contact email. ===== Event Registration ===== * [[course:event registration:|Event Registration]] ===== Bozzetto ===== ==== New Computer ==== * [[course:bozzetto:new desktop:|New Desktop]] ==== Email Migration ==== * [[course:bozzetto:email migration|Email Migration]] ===== .hk domain ===== * Check domain Administrative Contact email at https://www.hkdnr.hk/content.jsp?id=151 * Reset its password at https://www.hkdnr.hk/forgetpwd.jsp ===== Email ===== * [[course:gmail:|Gmail]] * [[course:office 365:|Microsoft 365]] * [[course:outlook:|Outlook]] ===== Firefox ===== * [[course:firefox:|Firefox]] ===== HTML ===== * http://www.w3school.com.cn/html/index.asp * [[http://www.codecademy.com/courses/html-one-o-one/0/1|Interactive Playground]] ===== MailChimp ===== * [[course:mailchimp:|MailChimp]] ===== MediNote ===== * [[course:medinote:|MediNote]] ===== Network ===== * [[http://ipecho.net/localip.html|How to find your local IP address]] * [[http://ipecho.net/plain|How to find your Public IP]] ===== OneDrive ===== * [[course:onedrive:|OneDrive]] ===== Scientific Congress ===== * [[course:Scientific Congress:|Scientific Congress]] ===== Teamviewer ===== * [[course:Teamviewer:|Teamviewer]] ===== Wiki ===== * [[course:convert wiki page to another language:|Convert wiki page to another language]] ===== Windows ===== * [[course:windows:|Windows]] ===== WordPress Tutorials ===== * [[course:wordpress tutorials:|WordPress Tutorials]] ===== Zoom Webinar Preparation ===== * [[course:zoom webinar preparation:|Zoom Webinar Preparation]]