====== Gulp Tasks ====== ===== Install ===== * [[https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=nickdodd79.gulptasks|Gulp Tasks]] ===== Required ===== * Install gulp-cli globally npm install -g gulp-cli ===== Example ===== * When you complete the above steps, you will see the following screen. {{ :development:tools:vscode:gulp_tasks:gulptasks1.png?600 |}} * Select the task and click the green start button to start the task. * You will see the output of the task in Terminal's OUTPUT. * You can selset the task and click the stop button to stop the task. * Normal tasks will be automatically disconnected after running. But when doing webpack dev server, the task will be finished first, but the OUTPUT will always be connected. * In MacOS, click the stop button will disconnect OUTPUT. * But in Windows will not disconnect OUTPUT. In other words, the app is still running in the background. * At this moment, you'd better use the command line to run the gulp task. * If you use Gulp Tasks to run the webpack dev server related tasks, you can use some Windows commands to kill the process // open a CMD window // find the app port, like "8080", the result will show the app's pid netstat -ano |findstr "port" // kill the process according to the pid taskkill /f /t /im "pid" ===== Problem ===== If you install gulp locally,but encounter the following problems, please try //project dependent download npm install gulp --no-fund {{ :development:tools:vscode:gulp_tasks:2022-03-08_005457.png |}}