====== Interview Agenda ====== ===== Purpose ===== * Collect all candidates' information and manage them in one place. * Find out all candidates with unscheduled written emails every day. * Use SendGrid to schedule email base on difference position. ===== Candidate's profile ===== * Find candidates on different online recruitment platforms * Get the candidate's name, email and the online written test time agreed by both parties ===== Store candidate's profile on Notion ===== * Setup a Notion page like that {{ :interview:interview_agenda:screen_shot_2022-10-25_at_18.51.29.png?1000 |}} * Each time need to add a new one ===== Integrate Notion ===== * [[interview:interview_agenda:integrate_notion:|Integrate Notion]] ===== Integrate SendGrid ===== * [[interview:interview_agenda:integrate_sendgrid:|Integrate SendGrid]] ===== Integrate with iOS Shortcuts ===== * [[interview:interview_agenda:integrate_with_ios_shortcuts:|Integrate with iOS Shortcuts]]