Table of Contents

Helper - Speaker Ready Room Operation Manual

The Speaker Ready Room System (SRRS) ONLY accept PowerPoint presentation file. Mac Kyenote file is NOT supported yet.
  * To help Speaker to upload the presentation file to the server.
  * To write "Note to session room operator", if need.

Training Video

Upload the Presentation File

Please note that every time the speaker upload a file to the same topic, the new file will replace the previous one.

Get the Presentation file

Always unplug the USB drive before you upload. If speaker has more than 1 presentation, copy all of them to the workstation before unplug the USB drive.

Login to the System

Upload Presentation File(s)

Top Menu
Topic not uploaded yet (yellow)
Topic has uploaded file

Write "Note to operator"

If the speaker has special request to the session room, such as using his/her own computer for presentation. Besides uploading the presentation file, you should write a note to the operator.

No Note (white} With Note (yellow)


File Format

Day 1 morning special arrangement

Waiting area

Could I use my own computer

Could I change my presentation schedule

Could I just upload a video

I could not find any of my presentation after login

Checking Session overall upload status

Sometimes the chair person wants to check the upload status of his/her session. You could do it 2 ways.