Table of Contents

Auto Print Station


Datamax E-4206p manual

Logistics Items

Item Qty Responsible
Datamax E-4206P Professional Printer with Power Adapter and cable 1 APAO
Badge Ticket Paper 500 APAO
Tablet with Congress Helper app 1 Questwork
Bluetooth scanner 1 Questwork
Scanner Stand 1 Questwork
USB Charger 1 Questwork
Micro USB Charging cable 2 Questwork
LAN cable 1 Local IT
Ethernet Switch 1 Local IT
4-sockets Electric Power bar 1 Local IT



Bluetooth Scanner


Message Delegate not found. Please inform congress staff.
Description This delegate information is not on our database. Ask him/her to go to Onsite Registration Counter to print the badge.
Message Your badge has already been printed. Please go to Onsite APAO Office for help.
Description The badge was printed in our record. Admin user could reprint it from the “Scanned Users” menu.
Message Please visit the counters for paid delegates to collect your one-day pass.
Description Delegate needs to specify the one-day in onsite registration counter.
Message Failed to print. Please ask congress staff for help.
Description Check network connectivity of the mobile and printer and inform our IT staff.
Message System Error! Please ask congress staff for help.
Description Could not connect to our server. Check network connectivity and inform our IT staff.
