Table of Contents


Install Flutter from Install - Flutter

Windows Installation

Extracting Flutter

It is recommended to place the extracted flutter the zip file in the folder where all your projects will be.

Updating your path

Determine the path of your clone of the Flutter SDK. i.e. C:\Users\<your-user-name>\Documents\Develop\Flutter\bin

You have to close and reopen any existing console windows for these changes to take effect.

Run flutter doctor

From a console window that has the Flutter directory in the path, run the command flutter doctor

The command checks your environment and displays a report of your flutter installation. Please read the output and solve any issues that may appear.

You may read more on this at Windows Run flutter doctor - Flutter

Mac Installation

Extracting Flutter

It is recommended to place the extracted flutter the zip file in the folder where all your projects will be.

Updating your path

Determine the path of your clone of the Flutter SDK. i.e. ~/Documents/Develop/flutter/bin


Run flutter doctor

From a console window that has the Flutter directory in the path, run the command flutter doctor

The command checks your environment and displays a report of your flutter installation. Please read the output and solve any issues that may appear.

You may read more on this at MacOS Run flutter doctor - Flutter