
Walk-in Guest Helper - Registration Operation Manual

  • Connect the Phone to the wiFi (SSID: int-congress), check if the IP address is 192.168.88.x
  • Login to event by entering “event code” or scan “event QR code”. For more details, click here.
  • In “Home” screen, click [Settings] and login with helper user account password.

  • Click [Bluetooth] to display a list of bluetooth devices.

  • Switch on the receipt printer.
  • Check the yellow label on the receipt printer. There will be 2 entries for each printer, click the corresponding [on/off] switch next to “RPP300-E” to pair it.

  • Enter the password “0000” if need.

  • It should be displayed as connected if ok.

  • Go back to the home screen of the app by clicking the top-left [←- Back] button twice.
  • Login to event by entering “event code” or scan “event QR code”. For more details, click here.
  • In “Home” screen, click [Registration] button.

  • Enter login password if need.

  • Scan or input a delegate registration code to display delegate details.
    1. Scan delegate QR code
    2. Enter registration code and then click [Search] button
    3. Enter last name of the delegate and then click [Search] button
    4. Enter email address and then click [Search] button
    5. Enter phone number (in format +98765432) and then click [Search] button
  • If found, you may either see
    • a list of matched delegates, click the one you want.
    • or, a single delegate details
  • It will display the delegate details page.
uncollect item in grey collected item in yellow
  • In delegate's Details page, it is divided into 2 parts.
    • Upper part is delegate name, QR code, registration code, email, etc.
    • Lower part is the item list of the delegate.
      • If item is uncollected yet, the background is in grey
      • If item is collected, the background is in yellow
      • If item is NOT settled yet, it has a [Trash] icon
      • if delegate badge is NOT confirmed yet, it has a [Pencil] icon
      • If item name is in BLUE color, you could click to change the name of the badge.
  • course/congress_setup/operations_manual/registration/walk-in_guest_helper/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/12/16 09:31
  • by don.lee