
Helper - Session Room Operation Manual

The Speaker Ready Room System (SRRS) ONLY accept PowerPoint or Keynote presentation file. PDF file is NOT supported yet.
  * To Display Speaker Biography for Session Chair.
  * To take attendance by the Congress Helper App.
  * Report any problem to speaker ready room.
  • In the morning, go to “Speaker Ready Room” to collect the required hardware
    • iPad for Session Chair
    • mobile phone for attendance taking
  • Check your hardware and make sure it is working and charged
  • Sign off the loan form
  • At the end of each day, return the loan hardware to “Speaker Ready Room”
  • Sign again on the loan form

Inform the Session Chair that they could use the iPad to read the Speaker's biography. Show them how to do it before session begins.

  • Open the “Congress” app on the iPad Mini.
  • Tap the [Session] button in the home screen.
  • A “Session List” will be shown, locate the current session by date, time and venue.
  • Tap the current session to see the “Session View”.
  • Show the Session Chair on how to read the Speaker's biography.
    • Tap a Topic in the topic list will display the “Topic View”.
    • Tap the Speaker's name in the “Topic View”.
    • It will then display the Speaker's profile.
      • If that speaker has updated his/her biography, it will be displayed too.
    • Click the top-left [< Back] button twice to return to the “Session View”.
    • Repeat the above steps for another topic.
Home Screen Session List
In short, you just go back and forth between “Session View” ↔ “Topic View” ↔ “Speaker' profile”
Session View Topic View Speaker Profile
  • After the session is finished, collect back the iPad mini for next session.
  • At the end of each day, return the iPad to “Speaker Ready Room”.
  • You are required to use the Congress Helper app to take attendance for each session.
  • Open the “Congress Helper” app on the Android phone.
  • If you have a separate handheld scanner, pair the scanner to the mobile phone first. (Watch YouTube)
    • Tap the [Settings] button in the home screen. You will be asked to login with password.
      • Switch on the handheld scanner.
      • Tap [Bluetooth] button, it will display a list of bluetooth devices.
      • Find the correct one (either CS4070 or QC7556) and tap the button next to it.
      • If pair successfully, you should hear a “beat” sound from the scanner and see it is connected on the mobile phone.
    • Go back to the home screen by tapping the top-left [←-] button.
  • Tap the [Attendance] button in the home screen.

  • Tap the top “Click to change settings” button and select the current session by date, time and venue.
  • It will display the session time, venue and theme on the top. If it is incorrect, tap again to choose another session.
Session is not selected Select session Session is selected
  • Scan the delegate badge's QR code.
    • If the delegate is allowed to enter the session room, it will display his/her last name and registration code after scan.

  • If the delegate is NOT allowed to enter (one-day pass), it will display “UNAUTHORIZED” and that delegate “admission date”. The admission date is also printed at the bottom of the delegate badge, please double check to make sure that is correct.

  • After each session, repeat the above step to choose another session.
  • At the end of each day, return the mobile phone to “Speaker Ready Room”.
In case there is any abnormal situation in session room, please report to the Speaker Ready Room immediately.


  • Video inside the PowerPoint could not be played properly.
  • Remote clicker could not control the PowerPoint presentation.
  • Computers in the session room could not connect to the server.
  • PowerPoint presentation file could not be showed.
  • course/congress_setup/operations_manual/session_room/helper.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/12/14 11:54
  • by don.lee