
Medinote - Tools

The below goes over the various tools provided in the toolbar.

A pen tool to draw strokes on the canvas

  • Thickness
  • Color

Eraser that erases anything under.

  • Tilt - Eraser becomes larger with larger tilt

An eraser that erases the entire line that it touches

A highlighter tool

  • Thickness
  • Color
  • Tilt - Highlighter width becomes larger with larger tilt

A highlighter tool, looks slightly different to highlighter 1 Highlighter 2 looks similar to pen tool

  • Thickness
  • Color
  • Tilt - Highlighter width becomes larger with larger tilt

Click the image tool icon to open a gallery picker, tap the canvas to insert the image. You may move, resize and delete the image in the canvas

  • Image - click the image tool icon again to open a gallery picker

Three thickness sizes for the pen and highlighter tools

Undo redo buttons (Does not work with image tool)

8 Colors for the pen and highlighter tools

  • course/medinote/tools/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/12/15 13:58
  • by roy.lee