
Setting Up Flutter Development Machine

First Set up the following tools

  • Get the correct branch from SmartGit (you may create a new branch from here)
  • Download the corresponding Google Play upload key from Android App Keystore
  • Place the .jks in a folder such as '~/keystore/'
  • Create a file in project folder/android/ called and write in the file
storeFile=<file path to .jsk file>
  • In Visual Studio Code, choose the device you will run the code and start debugging by pressing Run > Start Debugging or pressing F5

If you fail to build to ios try right clicking on the ios folder and choose Open in Xcode Make sure that the account is correct to sign the project, and the correct device is selected on the top to build the code.

If you are using an Apple Silicon Macbook and face build errors with CocoaPods try installing ffi with

sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi

then re-install dependencies with

sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi

see Running CocoaPods on Apple Silicon (M1) - stackoverflow

Have a look at the articles for Flutter at our Staff Wiki

Cheung, Ming

Lee, Roy

  • development/tools/flutter_development_machine/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/12/17 14:57
  • by don.lee