
Common Development tools

Login all Microsoft apps using company email account
Install all applications and customise them as instructed.
  • WeChat
  • Microsoft Authenticator (for 2-factor authentication)
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Microsoft Outlook or Web Outlook
  • Microsoft OneDrive
You need to setup the Android Studio but we will use VS Code for the development tool.
  • Android Studio
    • Dart plugin
    • Flutter plugin
On Mac, if install Android Studio 4.1, may need to create a symbolic link so that 'flutter doctor' could check the Dart and Flutter plugins correctly.
$ ln -s ~/Library/Application \Support/Google/AndroidStudio4.1/plugins ~/Library/Application \Support/AndroidStudio4.1
  • Xcode (via App Store) Mac only
  • AI
  • Photoshop
  • Google Chrome
  • Visual Studio 2022 (v17.2.6)
    • .NET 6 SDK and Runtime (included in Visual Studio 17.2.6)
  • Swagger
  • Entity Framework
  • Json.NET - Newtonsoft
  • OrbStack (faster than Docker desktop)
  • Docker (you may skip the installation of Docker desktop, but the command are still the same for OrbStack)
$ brew tap homebrew/versions

Then search for your desired package:

$ brew search mongodb

This might give you the follow results:


And then install the desired version:

$ brew install mongodb/brew/mongodb-community@4.2
  • development/tools/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/09/18 15:37
  • by don.lee